When you get a credit card from the bank, you should change the PIN to ensure the card’s safety and more memorable. If you still don’t know how to change your credit card PIN number, this Hanfincal article will help you today. Don’t go away; let’s get started.
How to change a credit card pin number?
There are 4 ways to change a credit card pin number:
- Online: You may be able to check in to your profile and get a new PIN on your issuer’s website if you’re registered for online banking.
- By phone: Call the number on the back of your card to contact your credit card company and receive a new PIN. To confirm your identification, you will most likely be required to give personal information.
- The bank branch or ATM: A customer service representative at your local bank branch may be able to assist you with changing your credit card PIN. If you know your current PIN, you may be able to change your PIN by inserting your credit card into an ATM and selecting any available alternatives.
- By mail: You may be able to request a PIN by mail as well. When an issuer mails your new PIN to you, it might take up to 10 business days to arrive.

How to change a credit card pin number?
The four methods listed above on how to change a credit card PIN can assist you in changing your current PIN in a few seconds. Furthermore, keep in mind that you should avoid using one that contains personal information such as your Social Security number or birth date. You should be able to do this through your bank’s mobile app or website, but you should also do so at an ATM.
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- Can You Use A Credit Card At An ATM?
- How To Change Name On Credit Card?
- What Is A Credit Card PIN Number?
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- What To Do If You Forgot Credit Card PIN Number?
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