Some households receive a voucher from Section 8, whereas countless others remain on the waiting list. Therefore, you should know how to bypass Section 8 waiting list because the wait for rental assistance can take years. Let Hanfincal do you a favor.
1. What Is the Waitlist of Section 8?
Section 8 waitlist is the list of applications of people who are applying for the Section 8 Program.
Many low-income families are applying days by days for the Section 8 Program. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) doesn’t have enough funds or available housing to help as many people as possible. As a result, applications are placed on a waiting list so that when housing assistance becomes available, people can get the help they require.
2. How long is the Section 8 waiting list?
The Section 8 waiting list is very long, with applicants waiting an average of three years before the agency can find adequate placement.

How long is the Section 8 waiting list?
You have a good chance of moving up the waiting list if you have all of your paperwork together. This means you must have:
- State-issued ID.
- Proof of low income.
- No prior drug or criminal convictions.
- Proof of citizenship.
- Special circumstances like age, disability, homeless, etc.
3. What’s the average wait to receive Section 8 HCV?
The average wait time for assisted families is close to two and a half years (28 months) across the country. Applying to the Public Housing Authority (PHA) in various areas can improve your chances. Because agencies open and close their waitlists on a regular basis, if you’re on multiple lists, you’ll have more chances to get Section 8 assistance.
4. How to track the status of the waiting list?
To track the status of the waiting list, you have these options:
- Call your local public housing authority to see if you’re still on the list.
- Call your local HUD office to request the status of the waiting list.
- Check your current status online. The Wait List Check feature of HUD allows you to check the status of your online application.
5. How to get priority on Section 8 waiting lists?
Here are several ways to get priority on Section 8 Waiting Lists:
5.1. Be a Veteran
You will be given priority on the Section 8 waitlist after serving your country. Transitioning from military to civilian life is difficult, and HUD understands that having affordable housing is a big step in that process.
5.2. Be Homeless
People who are currently homeless will be placed at the top of a waiting list. Because they don’t have a home, Section 8 will begin looking for suitable housing as soon as possible.
5.3. Be Over the Age of 62
PHAs may prioritize households led by elderly members (people over the age of 62) because elderly Americans are often a vulnerable population. HUD’s main guiding principles include ensuring that America’s elderly citizens have access to clean, safe, and affordable housing.
5.4. Have a Disability
PHAs will often give priority consideration to households with disabled members. You must provide appropriate medical documentation demonstrating that the disability or medical condition exists and is being exacerbated by your current living conditions.
5.5. Have Very, Very Low Income
Section 8 is a government program that assists low-income families in obtaining decent housing when they cannot afford it on their own. As a result, if you have a low income, you will be moved up the waiting list. The income limits are also based on the size of the family.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development divides income into three categories: low income, very low income, and extremely low income. The general guidelines are as follows:
- Low income is 80 percent of the location’s median income.
- Very low income is 50 percent of the location’s median income.
- Extremely low income is 30 percent of the location’s median income.
5.6. Live In a Shelter When Applying
Another option for getting to the top of the Section 8 waiting list is to live in a shelter. HUD’s goal is to get everyone into safe housing, so people living in shelters are given priority.
6. How to bypass Section 8 waiting list?
To bypass the Section 8 Waiting List, you can do three ways below:
6.1. Call Housing Authorities
Calling the housing authorities is one of the best options to bypass the Section 8 Waiting List. Inquire if they have any open waiting lists or if they know of any organizations that accept new applications.
6.2. Network Within the Community
Many communities have resources to assist people who are homeless, hungry, or are victims of domestic violence. It is worth networking to see who can help you while you wait for rental assistance because your situation might fit into some of their parameters.

How to bypass section 8 waiting list?
6.3. Use a Social Worker
Because social workers are familiar with the buildings that PHAs use, they are aware when there is a vacancy. They can help you bypass the Section 8 Waiting List. It is not necessary to spend money to hire a social worker since many government agencies offer free social workers’ services.
How to bypass Section 8 waiting lists? Hanfincal have answered for you in this article. We believe that it will help you find access to safe, clean, and affordable housing.
==> Read More:
- How To Apply For Section 8?
- What Is Section 8 Housing?
- How To Get Section 8 Immediately?
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