A busy life nowadays entails housing stress, particularly in the hustle and bustle of states and cities. This situation in New Mexico has reached its peak and needs to be addressed. As a result, guides on how to apply for Section 8 in New Mexico (NM) are in high-volume search. Let’s go over this guideline to get a voucher with Hanfincal.
1. What is Section 8 Housing in New Mexico?
Section 8 housing in New Mexico is a federal housing program that provides low-income New Mexico families, the elderly, and the disabled with rent-subsidized homes, apartments, or houses. This program is managed by local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Participants must find a housing unit that meets HUD’s quality standards. These quality standards necessitate that a housing unit is both safe and sanitary. PHAs will inspect the housing unit to determine whether or not it meets HUD standards. If the housing unit reaches HUD’s quality standards, PHA will provide rental assistance if the participant meets all other Section 8 voucher requirements.
2. How to qualify for Section 8 Housing in New Mexico?
To qualify for Section 8 in New Mexico, you must:
- meet the PHA’s definition of a family. A family is a single person or a group of people who live together, with or without children. Families with elderly, disabled, or displaced members will also be considered families for Section 8 rental assistance.
- be at least 18 years old.
- have family’s gross income is less than 50% of the median family income.
- be U.S citizenship or legal immigration status.
- not have a criminal record involving drugs.

How to qualify for Section 8 Housing in New Mexico?
3. How to apply for Section 8 in New Mexico (NM)?
To apply for Section 8 housing in New Mexico, follow the three steps outlined below:
- Step 1: Contact your nearest local Public Housing Authority (PHA) office to start your application process. Inquire with the PHA whether or not applications are being accepted.
- Step 2: If the PHA accepts applications, fill out the pre-application form once you’ve found an open waiting list. You can also fill out this form over the phone in some cases. Some PHAs no longer accept pre-applications and instead require a full application placed on the waiting list.
- Step 3: When your name is finally chosen from the waiting list, PHA will notify you. You must appear for an interview and provide proof of eligibility by bringing in all required documents. If the PHA accepts your pre-application for the waiting list, you will be required to complete a full application at this time.
The following information and documents are required of you when applying Section 8:
- A photo ID of every adult member of the household.
- Birth certificates for all members.
- Social Security card.
- Your most recent four consecutive pay stubs or a notarized statement of your proof of income.
Do you take more than a year but didn’t get a Section 8 voucher? To receive Section 8 HCV fast, we can help you here.
4. Section 8 waiting lists that are open in New Mexico
In New Mexico, six Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting lists are currently active, such as:
- San Miguel County, New Mexico.
- Western Regional Housing Authority.
- Truth or Consequences Housing Authority.
- Housing Authority of the County of Santa Fe.
- Clovis Housing and Redevelopment Agency.
- Housing Authority of the City of Tucumcari.
How to apply for Section 8 in New Mexico (NM)? Starting to learn today will help you minimize the financial stress that monthly rent causes. Leave your message below if you have something to share with us. Hanfincal always appreciates it.
==> Read More:
- How To Apply For Section 8?
- What Is Section 8 Housing?
- How To Get Section 8 Immediately?
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- Section 8 Waiting List That Are Open Now
- How To Qualify For Section 8 Housing?
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