Where do unclaimed property tax refunds come from? So far, you have only heard of property tax payment but never heard of property tax refunds, right? It is considered unclaimed if a company, an office, government agency, or other entity owes you money that you do not collect. The Tax Collector receives thousands of dollars in overpayments on property taxes every year. While most tax overpayments are returned to taxpayers promptly and successfully, some refunds go unclaimed. The Tax Collector’s Division is a place to process all taxpayer refunds. One of them could be yours. Let Hanfincal help you figure out how to get it. Moreover, it does not need fees for this information.
1. Unclaimed property tax refunds federal information

Unclaimed Property Tax Refunds
Unclaimed property tax refunds are warrants (checks) that have gone uncashed for more than six months, usually resulting from assurances being returned as undeliverable by the postal service. They are currently in possession and management of the Tax Collector office.
Frequently, the payee has relocated and has not left a forwarding address, or the forwarding order has expired. Furthermore, warrants may go uncashed for various reasons, including being misplaced or destroyed.
Sections 5097 and 5102 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code office provide that property tax refunds that go unclaimed for four (4) years may be transferred (escheated) to the county general fund by order of the board of supervisors.
At the end of the four years, those items worth more than $10 bill must be published as a notice that the money will become the county’s property if it is not claimed by a specific date. If a verified claim is not filed by forty-five days after the date of publication, it is escheated to the general fund. After this date, any unclaimed funds will become the county’s property and will no longer be able to be claimed.
2. Three steps to claim your unclaimed money
Step 1: Check with your state or your Tax Collector
Ask for the Unclaimed Property Tax List from the Tax Collector office in your area (or the state where you want to claim your unclaimed tax refunds). For the past four years, all unclaimed taxes have been stored there.
The following information is included in this list: the issue date, the amount, and the vendor name. When you receive this list, please carefully look up the Vendor name; if there is any information that pertains to you, make a note of it right away and prepare for the next step.
Please note: Refunds for the current fiscal year are being processed, and they generally do not become “unclaimed” until at least 6 months after the warrant remains uncashed.
Step 2: Fill out the form
Completing the Payee Declaration Claim Form. The form comes with instructions. For example, the claim form from the County of Tulare.
Your claim will be returned unless you SIGN the form of tax refund claim. Check that you have read the instructions and made copies of all necessary documents.
Step 3: Send your form
Send the Payee Declaration Claim Form, completed and signed, to the Tax Collector in the state where you want to get your unclaimed property tax.
If you want to learn more information about unclaimed tax refunds, go to this website and fill out all of your basic information, such as your first name, last name, email address, and zip code. They will then show you contact information, tips, and tricks for claiming all of your refunds unclaimed property. Click here to explore.
3. Frequently asked questions about unclaimed property tax refunds
Why do refunds go unclaimed?
A change of address, a new bank account number, or a check that gets lost in the mail are all reasons why your refund may not arrive. Whether you were expecting a paper check or a direct deposit, you can still receive your unclaimed tax money. This is a worthy investment.
How much time do I have to claim a refund?
For the IRS office to issue a refund, an original return claiming a refund must be filed within three years of its due date in most cases. In general, once the three-year window closes, the IRS cannot issue a refund for that tax year.
If you ask to claim your unclaimed property tax from the Tax Collector, the information for the time window maybe four years.
Why do taxpayers overpay their property taxes?
Overpayments can occur for many reasons, including:
- Taxpayers have a double file the taxes with their lender
- Taxpayers double pay the taxes because those taxes were paid during the escrow process due to the purchase or refinance of the property.
- The assessed property’s value is reduced after the taxes were paid at a higher value.
- Taxpayers pay an incorrect amount due to number transposition.
Keep an eye out for the information and deadline for unclaimed property tax refunds. According to area law, any unclaimed property tax refund that remains unclaimed for four years may be turned over to the County’s General Fund. So, before the property tax refunds are transferred, Hanfincalwill help you try one last chance to claim it. Make your tax bill realize.
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