How often do credit card companies sue for non payment? If you miss just one payment and wonder whether you will be sued, this article is for you. Sue happens when credit companies make every effort to contact you after you miss, fall behind, or can’t pay your payments for a specific period. Read every single word from Hanfincal to figure out solutions.
1. How often do credit card companies sue for non payment?
Credit card companies will sue for non payment when a cardholder has not made a payment after 30 days or after the debt has been outstanding for more than 180 days. On the other hand, these credit card companies always strive to maintain harmonious relationships with their customers – the debtors.
This time frame is determined by the credit card company and the circumstances. Some will sue you immediately for non payment, while others may give you a few months to catch up and repay before taking legal action.
Most lenders will not sue you for a little debt. Moreover, if you owe a lot, the corporation may be ready to forgive a portion of it in exchange for a lump-sum payment. This is referred to as debt settlement. While it may harm your credit (since your credit record will indicate that you did not pay your obligation in full), it may be useful if it prevents you from filing a lawsuit or declaring bankruptcy.

When do credit card companies sue for non payment?
2. Do credit card companies immediately sue you after skipping payments?
Most businesses will not file a lawsuit against you when you miss one or two payments. They will add interest and administrative fees to compensate for not receiving the expected money from you on time.
Before suing, credit card issuers consider the amount of the debt, its recoverability, and legal expenses. This consideration, however, does not grant you a get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to credit card debt.
So, if credit card issuers don’t sue right away, what will they do with unpaid debt? The following are some of the steps that credit companies take before they file a lawsuit.
- Giving a rise in interest rates.
- Apply penalties fees.
- Payment notifications.
- Reduce credit card limits.
- Cancel your credit cards.
- Disqualification obtains higher credit limits.
Credit card companies will consider legal intervention only after being exhausted of all non-legal options. However, they will almost certainly sell your debt to a collection agency in some cases. Collection agencies make money by collecting money from you, and they will work extremely hard to achieve this goal. That leads to a severe headache for you.
3. What is the minimum amount of fine that creditors will sue for?
The fine is a source of concern for debtors. It depends on how much you owe and whether they have a written agreement with the original creditor to collect payments from you. A collection agency will usually sue you for at least $1000. In many cases, it is much less since it usually results in write-offs rather than lawsuits. This is because filing a collection suit for small debts can be costly.
4. How long do credit card companies suing you?
In legal parlance, the Statute of Limitations (SOL) is a set of prescriptive periods for legal proceedings. In other words, this SOL is a time limit for filing lawsuits. There is no single standard SOL for the entire United States. Instead, they differ by state. Each state determines the time frame, ranging from three years (in 17 states) to ten years (in one state), with the remaining 23 states falling somewhere in the middle. The SOL doesn’t provide complete debt relief, but it can help you depending on the specifics of your situation.

How long do credit card companies suing you?
5. What if my debt is assigned to a debt collection agency?
Credit companies’ primary responsibility is not debt collection. If they make every effort to contact you but receive no response, they turn over the debt to collection agencies, who are more experienced and persistent in debt collection.
Debt collectors profit from commissions earned after a successful debt collection. Although they are not as lenient as credit card issuers, their collection practices are also governed by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Such agencies will frequently contact you via phone calls and collection letters, and they may even want to discuss a repayment plan. However, a lawsuit would be the next step if these methods fail.
6. Consequences of unpaid credit card debt

Consequences of unpaid credit card debt
6.1. Change in APR
The annual percentage rate (APR) is the annual interest generated by a sum charged to borrowers or paid to investors. It computes what ratio of the principal you’ll pay each year by considering factors such as monthly payments.
As of December 1, 2020, this rate ranges from 15.16% to 22.78%. If you miss a payment, creditors can raise your APR until it reaches the penalty rate, usually around 29.99%. That’s terrible.
6.2. Damage to credit score
If you have too much debt, it affects your credit score if you manage it wisely and do not miss or delay any payments.
One innovative solution can help you save your credit score in one second here. Credit centers will send you a free credit score online. This is an emergency method for quickly increasing your credit. Don’t pass it up!
6.3. Late fees
These fees, in any situation, have a severe impact on your credit. A late fee is a typical penalty for paying your credit card bill after the due date or paying less than the full balance. If you don’t pay or late this bill for several months, you’ll accrue late fees, increasing the amount owed. The more late fees you incur, the more money you must pay.
6.4. Sale of debt to a collection agency
This is a dreadful thing to happen to you. Once your debt is assigned to a collection agency, everything will become stressful for you. They will continue to push and pressure you until you pay off your credit card debt. Therefore, the agency will continue to call you and may even resort to illegal means to collect payment.
7. Credit card debt collection lawsuit explained
Credit card collection lawsuits can result in a variety of results. For example, if the debtor utilizes the credit card debt’s statute of limitation as a defense, the case may be determined in their favor. If the debtor fails to attend the hearing, the court will enter a default judgment in favor of the credit collector. The creditor, on the other hand, earns nothing by suing a judgment-proof debtor.
8. You’ve been sued. Can a credit card company garnish your wages?
Many debtors are concerned about wage garnishment since it reduces their take-home income. You may also be concerned about wage garnishment. However, garnishing your wages to satisfy your liabilities is a legitimate recourse for credit card firms.
If you miss or delay too many payments and are concerned about the fine you will have to pay, everything mentioned above can assist you in grasping all of the information on this subject. Obviously, as a consumer, you want to avoid lawsuits as well. They are costly, and a court judgment against you will appear on your credit report. Hanfincal hopes you can find the answer to this question “How often credit card companies sue for non payment?”. will be there to help you with everything you need to improve your financial health. Subscribe to our website, Facebook, and Twitter for new and important information about credit cards as well as our advice.
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